Getting Started with PHP on Heroku
This is a sample PHP application deployed to Heroku. It's a reasonably simple app - but a good foundation for understanding how to get the most out of the Heroku platform.
Getting Started with PHP
Source on GitHub
To deploy your own copy, and learn the fundamentals of the Heroku platform, head over to the
Getting Started with PHP on Heroku tutorial.
How this sample app works
- This app was deployed to Heroku, either using Git or by using Heroku Button on the repository.
- When Heroku received the source code, it fetched all the dependencies in the composer.json, creating a deployable slug.
- The platform then spins up a dyno, a lightweight container that provides an isolated environment in which the slug can be mounted and executed.
- You can scale your app, manage it, and deploy over 150 add-on services, from the Dashboard or CLI.
Next Steps
- If you are following the Getting Started guide, then please head back to the tutorial and follow the next steps!
- If you deployed this app by deploying the Heroku Button, then in a command line shell, run:
git clone
- this will create a local copy of the source code for the app
cd php-getting-started
- change directory into the local source code repository
heroku git:remote -a <your-app-name>
- associate the Heroku app with the repository
- You'll now be set up to run the app locally, or deploy changes to Heroku
Helpful Links
Please do work through the Getting Started guide, even if you do know how to build such an application. The guide covers the basics of working with Heroku, and will familiarize you with all the concepts you need in order to build and deploy your own apps.